About the Ministry Network
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Articles Of Faith
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About the Ministry Network
Kingdom Builders Global Ministerial Network (KBGMN)was created to meet three distinct needs for independent ministries, church leaders and
Christian businessmen!

1) Covering
- KBGMN. is a network built upon personal relationship. We believe that through the avenue of true relationship a unique dynamic can be created for accountability without control.

2) Influence - KBGMN. gives churches and ministries relational influence they otherwise would not posses. This influence gives a greater definition of identity for ministries to become something bigger than they are as one single fellowship. We also create opportunities for ministries beyond the local church, and the unique opportunity to draw on the strengths of other ministries in the network to help build, support, and train in the areas your church is lacking in strength.

3) Training - KBGMN. provides through our educational branch, "The Institute for Biblical Leadership" ministry training and education to help you become successful in your call. We also provide quarterly gatherings for inspiration, education, dialogue and relationship building.
Setting the Solitary into Families; Establishing His Kingdom; Training & Equipping the Saints!
Significance Of Our Name:


This is the issue of the King’s domain. Kingdom refers to the divine place on earth where the King, Jesus, is pre-eminent. The Word of God declares in [Romans 14:17] that the Kingdom is not in meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

In Hebrews 1:8-9, it is stated that the “sceptre” of righteousness is the “sceptre” of God’s Kingdom. The Sceptre represents the authority of God that establishes His Kingdom. Therefore, righteousness is the very foundation of the Kingdom. Conversely, the Believer must have an inherent hatred for lawlessness because it prevents the hand of God from moving. Therefore, Kingdom is a lifestyle that promotes righteousness and must invade every area of our lives and our Network.

In verse 9, we understand that because righteousness was loved and lawlessness hated, God promised to release His favour. This same dynamic must operate in our Network.

Just as the Kingdom of God is universal, the scope and reach of KBGMN will also be global. The vision imparted to us by the Holy Spirit, is global in its reach and impact. KBGMN will not be brought under any limitations, be it socio-economic, racial, ethnic, national, international or territorial.

It is our belief that Ephesians 4:11-13 is being fulfilled at this time. As we read through that text of Scripture we realize that a part of the eternal purpose of God is to have a unified Church and that the work of the five-fold ministry is part of the methodology that the Lord is using in achieving this end.

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ...” Ephesians 4:11-13 (NKJV)


The Builder

Psalm 127:1, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." No church is the right church unless it was built by the right builder. The very existence of a religious body is evidence that it was founded by someone and upon some foundation. There are hundreds of churches and all of them had a beginning and started by someone. The right builder of the church that God approves is Jesus Christ. Christ did not build hundreds of churches, each contradicting the other, different one from another, teaching things that He never taught nor authorized to be taught. It is important to be in the church that Christ built.

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus promised to build His church. The church belongs to Him and He is the founder of it. If a church was founded by Henry the Eighth, John Wesley, Joseph Smith, Martin Luther, or any other person, it is not the church Jesus built. This fact eliminates all denominations from being the Lord's church because Jesus never built a denomination. Most of them acknowledge someone else as their founder anyway.

In Matthew 16:19 Jesus gave authority to Peter and later to all of the apostles, giving them the "keys" to the kingdom. Nobody else could ever assume such authority to say what Jesus said or speak in His name as did the apostles and other inspired men. Nobody else has the right to instruct regarding the Lord's church except they teach what those authorized to teach had taught. Those who would preach truth have no right to teach anything other than what Jesus authorized the apostles to preach and teach. Christ alone possesses all authority as was given Him by the Father. He alone had the right to build the church. Only that which He built is approved of God.

"Like living stones be yourselves built into a Spiritual House"

Jesus Christ is the good shepherd of His people (i.e. John 10:11), but moreover He is the builder of a spiritual home for His people (perhaps the primary reason that Jesus was a carpenter, not a shepherd). The apostle Peter recognized Christ as the builder of a "spiritual house" for His Church. Note that Peter quotes the Scriptures Isaiah 28:16, Psalm 118:20-23 and Isaiah 8:14 (as above) to prove that Christ was not starting a new religion, but rather fulfilling the foundation of all that was written about, and done through, Him.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light . Once you were no people but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy." (1 Peter 2:4-10 RSV)

Christ was in fact a "carpenter" (the original word of the Scriptures actually means "builder") right from the moment of Creation i.e. "all things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made" (John 1:3 RSV)

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements - surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (Job 38:4-7 RSV)



Kingdom Builders Global Ministerial Network has been raised up by the Lord to function under the parameters of an international, global mandate and as such we do not recognize any limitations or boundaries. It is quite evident in the Word of God that His Church is a universal one and the purpose of the Lord as indicated in Ephesians 4:11-13, demands a Church of global power functioning in a spirit of unity.

To this end, the five-fold ministry has been raised up to function! Apostolic  Global Networks such as Kingdom Builders Global Ministerial Network are being raised up by the Lord to link together diverse ministries across the earth into a common purpose. KBGMN is one of the means by which the Lord is using to accomplish that drawing together into the unity of the faith.

KBGMN functions out of Prince McMecha Gospel World Outreach, which is the ministry at the heart of the network. The Lord has blessed us with what can be truly described as a multi-ethnic or international Network!



. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a minister of religion or of the ministry.

2. Of or relating to administrative and executive duties and functions of government.
3. Law Of, relating to, or being a mandatory act or duty admitting of no personal discretion or judgment in its performance.
4. Acting or serving as an agent; instrumental

Ministerial Code of Ethics

As a minister of Jesus Christ, called by God to proclaim the gospel and gifted by the Spirit to pastor the church. I dedicated myself to conduct my ministry according to the ethical guidelines and principles set forth in this Ministerial Code of Ethics, in order that my ministry be acceptable to God, my service be beneficial to the Christian community, and my life be a witness to the world.
Responsibilities to self
1. I will endeavor to maintain my physical and emotional health through regular exercise, good eating habits, and the proper care of my body.
2. I will nurture my devotional life through a regular time of prayer, reading of the Scriptures, and meditation.
3. I will endeavor to continue to grow intellectually through personal study, comprehensive reading, and attending growth conferences.
4. I will endeavor to manage my time well by properly balancing personal obligations, church duties, and family responsibilities, and by observing a weekly day off and an annual vacation.
5. I will be honest and responsible in my finances by paying all debts on time, never seeking special gratuities or privileges, giving generously to worthwhile causes, and living a Christian lifestyle.
6. I will be trustful in my speech, never plagiaizing another's work, exaggerating the facts, misusing personal experiences, or communicating gossip.
7. I will seek to be Christlike in attitude and action toward all persons regardless of race, social class, religious beliefs, or position of influence within the church and community.
Responsibilites to Family
1. I will be fair to every member of my family, giving them the time, love, and consideration they need.
2. I will understand the unique role of my spouse, recognizing his or her primary responsibility is as marital partner and parent to the children, and secondarily as church worker and assistant to the pastor.
3. I will regard my children as a gift from God and seek to meet their individual needs without imposing undue expectations upon them.
Responsibilities to the Congregation
1 .I will seek to be a servant-minister of the church by following the example of Christ in faith, love, wisdom, courage, and integrity.
2. I will faithfully discharge my time and energies as pastor, teacher, preacher, and administrator through proper work habits and reasonable schedules.
3. In my administrative and pastoral duties, I will be impartial and fair to all members.
4. In my preaching responsibilities, I will adequate time to prayer and preparation, so that my presentation will be biblically based, theologically correct, and clearly communicated.
5. In my pastoral counselling, I will maintain strict confidentiality, except in cases where disclosure is necessary to prevent harm to persons and/or is required by law.
6. In my evangelistic responsibilities, I will seek to lead persons to salvation and to the church membership without manipulating converts, proselytizing members of other churches, or demeaning other religious faiths.
7. In my visitation and counselling practices, I will never be alone with a person of another sex unless another church member is present nearby.
8. I will not charge fees to church members for weddings or funerals; for nonmembers I will establish policies based on ministry opportunities, time constraints, and theological beliefs.
9. As a full-time minister, I will accept any other remunerative work in necessity as long as it dosn't conflict with your performance as a minister with your Church body.
10. In leaving a congregation, I will seek to strengthen the church through proper timing, verbal affirmation, and an appropriate closure of my ministry.
11. Fulltime ministry can embrace Market Place ministry as a bi-vocation Pastor.
Responsibilities to Colleagues
1. I will endeavor to relate to all ministers, especially those with whom I serve in my church, as partners in the work of God, respecting their ministry and cooperating with them.
2. I will seek to serve my minister colleagues and their families with counsel, support, and personal assitance.
3. I will refuse to treat other ministries as competition in order to gain a church, receive an honor, or achieve statistical success.
4. I will refrain from speaking disparaging about the person or work of any other minister, especially my predecessor or successor.
5. I will enhance the ministry of my successor by refusing to interfere in any way with the church I formerly served.
6. I will return to a former church field for professional services, such as weddings and funerals only if invited by the resident pastor.
7. I will treat with respect and courtesy any predecessor who returns to my church field.
8. I will be thoughful and respectful to all retired ministers and, upon my retirement, I will support and love my pastor.
9. I will be honest and kind in my recommendations of other ministers to church positions or other inquiries.
10. If aware of serious misconduct by a minister, I will contact responsible officials of that minister's church body and inform them of the incident.
Responsibilities to the Community
1. I will consider my primary responsibility is to be pastor of my congregation and will never neglect ministerial duties in order to serve in community.
2. I will accept reasonable responsibilities for community service, recognizing the minister has a public ministry.
3. I will support public morality in the community through responsible prophetic witness and social action.
4. I will obey the laws of my government unless they require my disobedience to the law of God.
5. I will practice Christian citizenship without engaging in partisan politics or political activities that are unethical, unbiblical, or unwise.
Responsibilities to my Denomination
1. I will love, support and cooperate with the faith community of which I am a part, recognizing the debt I owe to my denomination for its contribution to my life, my ministry, and my church.
2. I will work to improve my denomination in efforts to expand and extend the kingdom of God.
Associate Minister Code (2)
1. I will be supportive and loyal to the senior pastor or, if unable to do so, will seek another place of service.
2. I will be supportive and loyal to my fellow staff ministers, never criticizing them or condernmining their ministry.
3. I will recognize my role and responsibility on the church staff and will not feel threatened or in competition with other ministers of my special area of ministry.
4. If single, I will be discreet in my dating practices, especially in relation to members of my congregation.
Pastoral Counsellor Code (3)
1. I will have a pastor/counsellor to whom I can turn for counselling and advice.
2. I will be aware of my own needs and vulnerabilities, never seeking to meet my own needs through my counselees.
3. I will recognize the power I hold over counselees and never take advantage of their vulnerability through exploitation or manipulation.
4. I will never become sexually or romantically involved with a client, or engage in any form of erotic or romantic conduct.
5. I will demonstrate unconditional acceptance and love toward all counselees, regardless of their standards, beliefs, attitudes, or actions.
6. If I am unable to benefit a client, I will refer him or her to another professional who can provide appropriate therapy.
7. I will maintain good relationships with other counsellors and therapists, informing and conferring with them about mutual concerns.
8. I will keep confidential all matters discussed in a counselling setting, unless the information is hazardous for the client, for another person, or is required by law.
9. I will offer my assistance and services to fellow ministers and their families whenever needed.
10. I will support and contribute to the ministry of my church through personal counselling, seminars, lectures, workshops, and group therapy.
11. I will seek to support the polices and beliefs of my church without unduly imposing them upon any counselee.


KBGMN is a network of relatives, relationships and family. KBGMN is NOT, and will NOT become a denomination. The network extends to the spiritual family-churches, ministries and ministers joined together in mutual Christian faith and relationship around a divine vision, with a mandate from Jesus Christ to restore present-truths and ministries. KBGMN also exists to bring the Church to an end-time manifestation of Kingdom purpose, power and authority of the Lord.

The difference between a network and a denomination is as such... In its religious traditional definition, a denomination is an organization established for the purpose of preserving and propagating specific religious doctrines, tenets of faith, creeds and practices. It establishes a structure of leadership and oversight for the ministers, ministries and churches who become one with them.

From the Christian ministry perspective, a network describes a grouping of churches, ministries and ministers who are interrelated to link their vision, resources, products and people in one unified purpose, while not losing hold of their individual specific vision and purposes in the Lord.

Within a network such as KBGMN, churches, ministries and ministers move in voluntary accountability to mutually agreed apostolic/prophetic partnership and counsel based on relationship, while still maintaining the essential uniqueness of their individual ministries.

Therefore, the inner structures of the Network are comprised of visionaries who look forward and not backwards. They are motivational and designed not to get caught up in seeing God move in His usual, expected ways (thus limiting the power of the Holy Spirit), but instead to encourage constant movement forward towards growth, truth and the next move of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God accurately describes the direction and vision of our Network when it declared the following in Psalm 84:5 & 7:

"Blessed is the man (family) whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage... They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion." (Parenthesis added)

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