For the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, till we all come to the unity of the
faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that
we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine”. -
Ephesians 4 v 12 -17
Achievers International University College & Theological
Seminary is a wing of PRINCE NNAMS GOSPEL WORLD OUTREACH, dedicated to mobilizing and
preparing men and women for the harvest of souls in order to propagate the reign of God in the nations. This Institute of Theology
is Affiliated with the Vision International College & University, Ramona,CA-U.S.A. and Kingsway Christian College & Theological Seminary, U.S.A. The School seeks to provide
a thorough and balanced training and therefore concentrate on academic excellence with the practical experience.
President & Chancellor
Achievers International University College
& Theological Seminary
AIUCTS believes that wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
come through the Word of God. We believe that there is a time of calling, a time of preparation, and a
time of sending; and we believe that a person's preparation for ministry will determine his ability to serve effectively in
his calling. AIUCTS is a nondenominational educational biblical theological institution
committed to educating and training Christian men and women to serve with excellence in their field of Christian service,
such as: pastors, evangelists, teachers, ministers, elders, missionaries, organizational leaders, biblical educators, biblical
counselors, administrators, managers, and other Christian workers and all born-again believers. AIUCTS
is a distance learning university, and all programs are completed through home study.
In order to carry on an effective 21st Christian ministry
one must be fully trained and equipped for service. AIUCTS programs will take you steadfastly
through the Holy Scriptures and other biblical, theological and ministerial subjects essential for ministry. At
AIUCTS you will be fully developed for effective full-time Christian ministry; you will be fully trained
and equipped, whatever your area of service may be.
Congratulations on taking the first step to earning your degree, and thank
you for considering AIUCTS. Don’t delay, start on your way today to earning
your associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree. We would love to have you as part of our
student body, and may the Lord bless and direct you as you prepare for undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate study.
If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us by phone or email, we would be more than happy to assist you
in any way possible. Thank you and maranatha!
Yours in the Master's vineyard,
KALU -DD,PHD. President & Chancellor, AIUCTS
Vice-President -Comments I would like to begin by saying thank you for considering AIUCTS. We offer real
theological education for real Christians in real ministry, to reach real people in the real world. Our
goal is to be an avenue for helping God’s people to obtain quality education for serving with excellence in their calling,
and our programs are very affordable.
There are many schools out there,
secular and Christian, traditional and non-traditional. You may wonder what makes AIUCTS
different from the rest. Well at AIUCTS, we strive for excellence in every way.
We strive for quality to give our students the very best in theological education. We care very
much about our students, not just about their academic growth, but their spiritual growth as well.
Between working in the ministry
and being there for your family, and maybe even having a full-time secular job, many ministers just don’t have any time
for Bible college or seminary education. And sitting in a classroom is simply not an option for most people.
When you can study at home, at work, in a hotel room, on an airplane, or wherever your ministry or job may take you,
distance education is the perfect solution!
Prayerfully consider AIUCTS
as your school of choice, for it would be an excellent decision. Choose AIUCTS today and
begin on your way to a great future in Christian service. Upon reviewing this catalog, should you have
any question, you can reach us by phone or email. We would be glad to speak with you and to assist you
in any way we can. Thanks and the Lord bless you! In His Service,
Prof. David N. Aja. V.P. & Vice-Chancellor, AICUTS