Kingdom Builders Global Ministerial Network , is an
inter-denominational Global ministerial fellowship of spirit filled ministers/ministries, is inviting Kingdom focused
ministers and churches to unite with us for Kingdom work.
We offer apostolic covering, ministerial ordination, partnership
in outreach, prayer partners, church planting, and the opportunity to participate in the development of the most effective
Kingdom building fellowship around, your voice counts here.
Kingdom Builders Global Ministerial
Network was founded in order to fill the gap that has been unfilled by pre-existing ecclesiastical organizations
and structures. Our main purpose and focus pertain to the facilitation of mass evangelism and church planting. Wealso collectively
extend our hands to the work of ministerial training and ordination, apostolic mentoring and accountability, the promotion
of ministerial opportunities, and local church assistance.
It is our aim to impact the world for the Kingdom of
God. We purpose to instigate a "Kingdom Revolution" by leading the entire church world in unity and Kingdom works through
the full recognition and utilization of the five-fold ministry giftings as well as all other gifts of the Spirit.
recognize that the fulfilling of the vision requires a structure which will operate under and with divine authority, therefore,
we do not fear authority as do others, but we respect it and utilize it as a gift from God to accomplish His will in the earth.
We are utilizing a unique style of episcopal polity which makes use of both episcopal authority and collegial leadership.
will not be restricted by the views and concepts of others. We will redefine our terminology to fit God's agenda so that we
are empowered through liberty in the Spirit to pursue the goals of the Spirit by the power of the Spirit to the glory of the
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!"