McMecha Life Care Foundation is a subsidiary of Great Achievers International Church Inc. And is a foundation solely committed
to the caring of Life – human being. God has enabled us to define the specific area of needs amongst people both in
rural and urban setting. We have prayerfully considered to serve mankind in such areas, and these are mentioned in our mission
statement. The operation covers both Nigeria and All African Countries, thus
the Headquarters is in Valencia-Spain. From here we reach out to Nigeria then
to Philippines and India.
Kenya, Liberia
is an extension of our coverage.
Chairman of PMLCF: Apostle Dr.Prince Nnams Name: Prince McMecha Life Care Foundation
Date Founded: August 2003 Incorporated:
We desire to pray and labour to build
first among ourselves Homes with extensions to others, assisting needy, such as Orphans and the less privileges to live authentic
educational background and good health in accord to God's teachings, concerning marriage and family life.
VISION Recognized
by and working in harmony with Community, Local, State, Federal Government and other NGOs.
shall be called PRINCE McMECHA LIFE CARE FOUNDATION (hereinafter referred to as "FOUNDATION").
shall be the supreme authority guiding activities of all members and shall have a binding force on all members.
LIFE CARE FOUNDATION shall be a non-profit making FOUNDATION, non-religious and non - political, philanthropic oriented
Registered Office and Headquarters of PRINCE McMECHA LIFE CARE FOUNDATION shall be situated at
Valencia, Spain
and branches all over the world.
ARTICLE 4: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To help destitute persons 2. To help people that are poverty stricken
to become independent. 3. To assist other NGO's, Ministries of like mind and the government to combat child labour
and human trafficking. 4. To support and give legal aid to the less privilege. 5. To give medical, health education,
support to the less privilege and relief assistance, vocational skill and rehabilitation of rural and urban destitute. 6.
To provide the means to effective poverty reduction and activation through positive impact on beneficiaries. 7. To
offer care and support to orphans and widows suffering from different conditions of ill health through community involvement
and church assistance. 8. To engage in scholarship scheme for the less privileged orphans and the needy. 9. To
provide avenues to assist school drop-outs and other educational disadvantaged young persons to engage in meaningful education
or career pursuit to orphans and widows. 10. To promote healthy lives, quality education for children and protect
children against abuse, exploitation and violence. 11. To promote women's human rights as well as the political social-economic
empowerment of women. Improving women's working conditions to public education and awareness of new gender laws and peace.
ARTICLE 5: SOURCE OF FUND/FINANCIAL PLANS For the purpose of raising and generating fund and other resources (in cash or
in kind) for the realization of its Aims and Objectives, the FOUNDATION may: - 1. Financial independent via utilization
of poverty reduction projects. 2. Financial dependent from NGOs sponsors, donors, philanthropies and local and international
grants. 3. Accept donations (whether cash and/or kind) from individuals, corporate bodies, Foundations and Organizations
in Nigeria or elsewhere. 4. Receive
grants or assistance from individuals, Trusts, Foundation and other charitable or philanthropic Foundation in Nigeria or elsewhere. 5. Generate funds by way of
projects, rent, dividends and from investment(s) in shares, securities, charges, trading and property. 6. Collect
monies and financial assistance from or by any other lawful source or means. 7. Generate fund through micro finance projects
and government assisted programmes.
ARTICLE 6: THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (Governing Board) 1. The Trustee of PRINCE McMECHA
LIFE CARE FOUNDATION for the purpose of the Companies and Allied Matters Act No. 1 of 1990, Part C, shall be appointed
at a General Meeting. 2. Such Trustees (hereinafter referred) to as "THE TRUSTEES" shall not be less than Three (3) not
more than Ten (10) in number and shall be known as the incorporated Trustees of PRINCE McMECHA LIFE CARE
FOUNDATION. 3. The Trustees shall hold office for life but a Trustees cease to hold office if he/she. a.
Resigns his office. b. Ceases to be a member of the incorporated trustees of the Foundation. c. Become insane. d.
Is officially declared bankrupt. e. Is convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty by a court of competent
jurisdiction. f. Is recommended for removal from office by the Board of Governors' and Trustees' majority vote of
members present at any General Meeting of the Foundation, g. Ceases to reside in Nigeria.
4. Upon a vacancy occurring in the number of Trustees a General
Meeting will be held to elect eligible member of the FOUNDATION.
FUNCTIONS OF THE TRUSTEES 5. The Trustees shall apply to the Registrar-General,
Corporate Affairs Commission for a Certificate of Incorporation under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. 6.
If such certificate is granted, the trustees shall have power to accept and hold in trust all land belonging to the Foundation.
And to acquire Land on behalf of the Foundation subject to such condition as the Corporate Affairs Commission may impose.
AUDITORS 7. Shall be appointed by the Board of trustees at
the General Meeting, to audit the accounts of the Foundation at least once in a year. The reports when due shall submitted
to the President who shall communicate same to the General Meeting for an approval.
to every person who has aims and objectives of the Foundation at Heart. One becomes a member only after approval by the Governing
b. CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP i. He or she must obtain and complete Membership form. ii.
He or she must return the complete membership form with the payment of an amount as determined by the Foundation to the
General Secretary of the Foundation. iii. He or she must pay the annual membership subscription as determined by
the Foundation. c. There shall be no discrimination in assigning role to any members of Trustees or worker.
d. RELATIONSHIPS AMONG MEMBERS: Members are brothers and sisters. Love and
Affection must radiate between the rank and file. Invitations from members to ceremony such as naming, burial and other social
functions shall criss-cross. e. Members shall assist in the general administrative work and perform all duties as
assigned to them by the President of the Foundation.
SECTION 2: DISCIPLINE A discipline Committee Council shall be set up and be made
of three members. They shall be responsible for the recommendation of disciplinary measures for approval. The Supreme Council/Board
of Trustees may wish to alter or reject the recommendations of this Committee. In an event, where the Committee's recommendation(s)
is/are rejected, the Supreme Council shall implement their own decision as upheld by the majority or entire member of the
Supreme Council.
2. The Supreme Council and the entire members of the Foundation may suspend any member of PRINCE
McMECHA LIFE CARE FOUNDATION who commits an offence temporarily pending the final determination of the case.
SECTION 3: MANAGEMENT 1. The composition of the Board of Trustees 2.
The appointment and term of the Executive Director 3. The appointment of manager. 4. Professional services (Auditors,
Lawyers etc).
For effective Management of the Foundation the following offices shall be created. 1. The President - Board of Trustees 2. Vice President (Executive) 3. General Secretary 4.
Financial Secretary 5. Treasurer
The Executive council shall be made up of the Trustees and some
other nominees al of whom shall receive the approval of the President.
made by the council and ratified by the General Meeting shall be binding on every member of the Foundation unless and until
they are amended or repealed by
a General Meeting of the Foundation. 2. The executive Council shall
have power from time to time to make regulations not inconsistent with the Objectives of the Foundation regulations with these
rules for the management of the affairs of the Foundation. 3. All such regulations made by the executive council
during its terms of offices shall be read out by the General Secretary at the next general Meeting when they may be confirmed
or amended by the members present at the meeting.
Board: a. PRESIDENT i.
Shall preside at all Executive and General Meeting of the Foundation. ii. Shall sign the minutes of all Executive
and General Meeting. iii. Shall represent the Foundation in conjunction with other Executive officers in all meeting
involving external bodies. iv. Shall be an active member and has the casting vote in a case of tie at meeting. v.
Shall discharge other duties reasonably incidental to his office. vi. Shall present annual reports of the Foundation activities
along with Accounts to member.
Management b. VICE PRESIDENT (EXECUTIVE) i. Shall function as the chief operating officer with responsibilities to the daily management
of the Foundation. ii. He shall assist the President in the discharge of the duties of the President and shall preside
at meetings in the absence of the President. iii. All other functions that may be assigned or delegated to him either
by the President or the General Meeting. iv. Shall prepare budgets and reports for President's approval and presentation
to the Executive Council and General Meeting.
c. GENERAL SECRETARY i. He shall perform all secretariat and administrative duties
of the Foundation. ii. He shall take minutes and keep records of the proceeding at meeting. iii. He shall be responsible
for issuing notices and correspondence on behalf of the Foundation. iv. He shall in consultation with the President,
summon all meeting of the Foundation. v. Shall assist the Vice President in all matters relating to the daily management
operations of the Foundation.
The Treasurer shall take custody of and receive all money including cheques and bill that belong to the central purse and
bills that belong to the Foundation. He shall keep an accurate record of all the financial income of the Foundation. He shall
deposit the money of the Foundation to the bank Account of the Foundation within forty eight hours after collection.
He shall hold an impress of five thousand naira and also keep all the financial record of the Foundation in a safe place as
may be decided by the Board of Trustees. In addition he/she shall render a Statement fit by the Board of Trustees. He shall
also be one of the signatories to the Foundation Account.
iii. All Cheques and Voucher must be signed by any
two of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of which the President will be Principal signatory.
e. FINANCIAL SECRETARY The Financial Secretary shall keep
all financial transactions of the Foundation well recorded. He/she record and keep all financial books of the Foundation excluding
that of the Treasurer. He/she shall keep source of income, expenditure and also describe the receipts, vouchers of expenditures
and describe the items on which such amount was expended. He/she shall help in counting every collection to enable him enter
adequately the amount into the records books. He/she shall produce all the Financial Account Books of the Foundation which
are under his/her possession on demand by the President or by the Board of Trustees.
They shall ensure the corporate moral integrity of the Foundation. b. They shall elect members of the Governing Board
subject to the approval of the General Meeting.
ARTICLE 9: DUTIES OF THE GOVERNING BOARD a. They shall formulate policy for the Foundation. b.
They shall direct the opening of the Foundation bank account and to appoint its three (3) signatories. Any two (2) signatories
shall be valid for any withdrawal. One of such signatories shall be the President. c. To receive and consider feed-back
on the utilization of grants, scholarship etc, advance by the Foundation. d. To examine the merit and merits of application
for grants, and to take appropriate on the applications.
SECTION 1: CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS Election at General Meeting of the Foundation shall be conducted
as follows: i. Voting shall be secret ballot after a quorum head been formed and the General Meeting declared open. ii.
Each candidate for election must be nominated by a member of the Foundation.
SECTION 2: BYE-ELECTION The President /General Meeting shall have power to organize a bye-election to fill any vacancy
in the executive Council within 4 weeks if such vacancy exists.
SECTION 3: ADMINISTRATION 1. Personnel/Staff needed, 2. Job description (job
titles), 3. Duties, responsibilities, qualifications etc 4. Required skills and abilities, 5. Working
conditions, 6. Employment criteria/procedure, 7. Employment agreement form, general provisions, 8.
Organizational structure, 9. Logistics - Office accommodation, furnishing etc, 10. Skill/Service requirements
- business & public management, project management, social research.
SECTION 4: PROJECTS & PROGRAMMES To address operational focus and direction: a.
Selected projects, b. Methodology of implementation, c. Criteria for beneficiary selection, d.
Process of implementation, e. Process of Monitoring and evaluation, f. Assess the social and economic impact.
OF OFFICE Vacation
of office may arise in event of any of the following; i. Cessation from membership of the Foundation, ii.
Removal on ground of misconduct, iii. Inability to perform due to ill health.
ARTICLE 10: MEETING For effective administration of the Foundation
there shall be the following meeting. a. An Annual General Meeting of the Foundation during the month agreed by Governing
Board every year. b. Monthly General Meeting, c. Meeting of the Executive Council, d. Special General
SECTION 1: DUTIES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING i. The Business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to receive the President's report
on the activities of the Foundation, its financial position, to remove and elect the Auditors and for fix the dues and other
payment, if any, for the following years. ii. The Trustee shall hold meeting at least once in every calendar year
and such other times and in such places as they shall from time to decide.
SECTION 2: SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING i. The Executive Council shall at any time
whenever requested in writing by at least (2/3) members call a Special General Meeting. ii. Upon such a request for
a Special General Meeting having been duly received by the Council it shall within 21 days of the receipt convene a Special
General Meeting. iii. Notice of the Special General Meeting with a statement of its object shall be posted to members
at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
ARTICLE 11: PROCEEDING AT MEETING a. Notice of meeting shall be given to the members by the
secretary either in person or in writing. b. In the case of an Annual General Meeting a notice of 21 days shall be
given. In case of an Extra Ordinary General Meeting a notice of 14 days shall be given. c. In the case of a special
business, the general nature of that business shall be made known. d. A meeting of the Foundation not withstanding
the fact that it is called by shorter notice than that specified in this regulation shall be deemed to have been duly called
if it is so agreed. e. Resolutions at Annual General Meeting shall be passed by 2/3 majority of the votes entitle
to be cast by those present at the meeting. f. No business shall be transacted at any Annual General Meeting unless
a quorum of members is present at the time the meeting proceeds, one - third of the members entitled to attend a meeting shall
constitute a quorum. g. Each member shall have one vote on every resolution. h. The President of the Governing
Board shall preside as a President at every General Meeting of the Foundation where there is no such President, or if he is
not resent with in thirty minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or he is unwilling to so act, Vice
President or in his absence any other office holder shall preside.
ARTICLE 12: COMMITTEES a. There may be set up by the Foundation
committees in respect of such matters as discipline, fund raising, building and or such other matters as the Foundation by
a simple majority of its members at a property convened General Meeting deem necessary so to do. b. membership of
such committee shall stand dissolved on the completion of its assignment. c. Decision of a committee shall be by
a 2/3 majority, with the President of the committee as appointed having a casting vote. d. Decision of such committee
shall be subject to General Meeting approval.
ARTICLE 13: FINANCE The Foundation shall operate bank accounts in its name. the signatories to the
account shall be the President, the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer. All monies must be paid into the account immediately
upon receipt and on no account shall the treasures keep a cash of more than N10,000.00 with him/her
at any point in time.
Finance year of the Foundation shall be from 1st January to 31st December, of every year. i.
All expenditure (Current Capital or otherwise) of the Foundation must be duly countersigned by Treasurer of the Foundation. ii.
There shall be one account i.e. one operating account (current for the Foundation and excess fund shall be invested in viable
project with the approval of the General Meeting.
SECTION 2: RECEIPTS All fees subscriptions and money due to
the Foundation shall be payable to the Treasurer and the Foundation receipt shall be the only sufficient discharge.
The Trustees shall have a Common Seal. b. Such common seal shall be kept in the custody of the President who shall produce
it when required for use by the Trustees. c. All documents to be executed by the trustees shall be signed by the General
Secretary and Presidents and sealed with the Common Seal.
ARTICLE 15: ANNIVERSARY Anniversary to mark the establishment of the Foundation shall
be held annually and referred to as the "PRINCE McMECHA LIFE CARE FOUNDATION DAY".
ARTICLE 16: AMENDMENTS The constitution may be amend, altered or
replaced in whole or part by any person(s) deciding to make such Amendment, which shall take place at the General Meeting,
and with a motion of two-third of the votes entitled to be cast by the member present at a General Meeting called for that
purpose and approval by the Registrar - General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja.
towards the promotion of the Foundation as set forth in this Rules and Regulations / Constitution and no portion thereof shall
be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise however by way of profit, to the members
2. PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent
the payment, in good faith, or reasonable and proper remuneration to an officer or servant of PRINCE McMECHA
LIFE CARE FOUNDATION in return for any service actually rendered to the Foundation but so that no member of the Council
of Management of Governing Body shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Foundation or any office of the FOUNDATION
paid for by fees, and that no remuneration or other benefits in money or monies shall be given by the Foundation to any member
of such Council or Governing Body except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised
or let to PRINCE McMECHA LIFE CARE FOUNDATION provided that the provision last a foresaid shall
not apply to any payment of any company to a member of the Foundation may be a company in which such member shall not hold
more than one hundredth part of the capital and such member shall not be bound to account for any share of profits he may
receive in respect of any such payment.
3. NO ADDITION, alteration or amendment shall be made to or in the RULES
AND REGULATIONS / CONSTITUTION for the time being in force, unless the same have been previously submitted to and approved
by the Registrar - General.
4. IN event of a Winding up or Dissolution of the Foundation, there remains after
the satisfaction of all the debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to and distributed
among the members of the Foundation but shall be given or transferred to some other institution(s) having objects similar
to that of PRINCE McMECHA LIFE CARE FOUNDATION and the body or bodies are prohibited from distributing
its or their income and Property amongst it so their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on PRINCEN McMECHA
LIFE CARE FOUNDATION under or by virtue of the SPECIAL CLAUSE hereof, such institution(s) to be determined by the members
of the Foundation at or before the time of Dissolution and if in so far effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision,
then to some charitable object.